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Risk Guide

Compliance In All We Do

This Risk Guide provides information regarding the investment opportunities promoted and managed by Alderman Group. Before considering such financial promotions or investing in these high-risk opportunities, please ensure that you are self-certified as either a High Net Worth individual or a Sophisticated Investor, as defined by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”) under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA). If you are uncertain about your eligibility within these groups, it is advisable to consult with your Independent Financial Adviser.


The material on this site serves informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer, advice, or an invitation to invest.

The opportunities presented here are not authorized or recognized as Collective Investment Schemes and are categorized as “UCIS” (Unregulated Collective Investment Schemes) under the UK’s “FSMA” (Financial Services and Markets Act 2000). The promotion of a UCIS, whether within or from the UK, is restricted by FSMA. Investment in UCIS is highly speculative and is intended only for investors with a defined level of knowledge and experience. There is a risk of losing all invested funds, and target returns are NOT guaranteed.


Information on this site pertaining to the opportunities is solely accessible to individuals falling within the “FSMA” Promotion of Collective Investment Schemes Exemptions Order 2001, in accordance with the rules established by the UK’s “FCA” (Financial Conduct Authority). These opportunities cannot be promoted to the UK’s general public but can be proposed to select types of investors, including certified High-Net Worth Investors, Sophisticated Investors, Self-Certified Sophisticated Investors, and existing UCIS investors. Alderman Group does not market these opportunities to investors who have not disclosed that they meet the criteria outlined above.


This Risk Guide offers a summary of the primary risks associated with the opportunities. It cannot be guaranteed that this list is exhaustive, and there may be other unknown or currently immaterial risks or uncertainties. Consequently, investors should always base their investment decisions on their own evaluation of the relevant investment. If you have any doubts regarding the suitability of any investment, it is advisable to seek professional, independent investment or legal advice as necessary. Prospective investors should carefully assess whether an investment opportunity aligns with their circumstances, financial resources, investment needs, and risk tolerance. It is essential to thoroughly consider all risks and tax factors before making any investments.


Your PERSONAL decision to invest

No information provided on this site constitutes financial advice or a personal recommendation. If you are uncertain about the interpretation of any information presented, it is highly recommended that you consult with your own professional financial advisers.


Your Capital Is At Risk

Investing in any opportunities involves inherent risks, and target returns are not guaranteed. You may experience a complete or partial loss of your invested capital. There is no assurance that the investment will achieve its stated objectives. Property and land prices can fluctuate both upward and downward, and various property types or locations may be susceptible to reduced or negative growth. It is important not to invest more capital than you can afford to lose without affecting your standard of living.


Past performance

Past performance should not be considered a reliable indicator of future results. Relying on past performance information as the basis for investment decisions is discouraged. Future performance of your investment may be adversely affected by a variety of factors.


The Financial Service Compensation Scheme

Investments in the opportunities presented here are NOT covered by the “FSCS” (Financial Services Compensation Scheme). In the event that your investment does not perform as anticipated or fails entirely, you will not be able to file a financial compensation claim with the FSCS. Investors should be fully aware of the associated risks, as investment values can rise or fall, and unregulated funds pose the risk of total capital loss.


Illiquid Investment

Investing in the opportunities presented here entails a high degree of illiquidity. Property and land investments are not readily tradable and are therefore considered illiquid. Early withdrawal or transfer of your investment to another opportunity is not possible. It is essential to be prepared to retain your investment until the end of its term. There is no active secondary market for these investments. Any provided target investment duration information is merely an estimate, and the actual duration may extend longer. For even successful investments, any returns may not materialize for several years following your initial investment. If you are over the age of 60 when making any investment, it is important to consider how this illiquidity may impact your lifestyle.


Risks of property development

The opportunities presented here represent new investments with no prior track record. There is no guarantee that these investments will achieve their stated objectives. Property development projects can exceed their budget projections. Unforeseen events, such as changes related to building permits, planning errors, or other aspects of development and redevelopment, shortages of necessary equipment, adverse weather conditions, or any other unforeseen occurrences, can result in budget overruns and project delays or interruptions. It is not assured that any overrun costs will be adequately covered by insurance policies or that such insurance will remain available. In cases of significant budget overruns, securing additional financing from external sources may be necessary to complete the project. The availability of such financing cannot be guaranteed, and if available, the terms may not be favourable. Additionally, in the event of substantial budget overruns, there is no assurance that such costs can be recovered, which could significantly impact investment results.



The tax implications of any investment depend on the individual circumstances of each investor and may be subject to change in the future. You are responsible for managing your own tax affairs. No financial or tax advice is provided by us. If you are uncertain about how an investment may affect your tax status, it is essential to seek professional tax advice in advance.



Investors are encouraged to diversify their portfolios prudently by spreading their investments across various profiles to mitigate risk. Placing too much capital into a single investment opportunity or sector should be avoided. This means considering smaller investments in multiple asset classes instead of a large commitment to one or a few investments.



All presented investment opportunities and involved parties are NOT authorized or regulated by the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority).

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